2025 WCPKC Updates
Move Towards Unity
Here you will find more detailed and additional information regarding our TLDR on the Home page.
WCPKC is Taking a Break from hosting a Competition Circuit for the 2025 Season
As many of you may have heard, WCPKC will be taking a break from hosting competitions for the 2025 season. Our small team, which also manages two Firestorm gyms full-time, has been running WCPKC in addition to our daily responsibilities, and we’re feeling a bit burnt out. We’re using this time to recuperate and revisit our core purpose.
We will be back hosting a full Competition Circuit for the 2026 Season.
Why We Started WCPKC
When we started WCPKC, it was with the goal of bringing the community together more often. Our favorite part of every event has always been meeting up with friends, playing, having fun, and learning from one another, as well as providing inspirational role models for our younger athletes and competitors. We hope you’ve experienced that same spirit at WCPKC events and have felt like you were attending a jam that just happened to have a competition running alongside it.
Supporting Community Jams Throughout 2025
To keep the spirit of community alive, we’re sponsoring a series of jams up and down the West Coast during the 2025 season. These jams can take place indoors or outdoors, and they can be purely for play or include a competition, workshop, or any other special event that the local community wants to host.
We’ll have a link on our website with a Google form to request info and propose your Jam. Fill it out if you’re interested in having us sponsor and promote your Jam!
What About Competition Teams?
We know many of you have built incredible competition teams since the start of WCPKC, and we are incredibly grateful for your support and enthusiasm. There will still be plenty of competitions happening on the West Coast throughout 2025, some attached to leagues and others independent. Firestorm Freerunning will be hosting an Open Competition at each of our gyms next year. We’re also compiling a list of all known competitions on the West Coast, which will be available on our website.
If you’re planning to host a competition, fill out the details in this form, and we’ll add you to our website and include you in our email blasts!
Leaving USPK (United States Parkour) Affiliation
We also want to take a moment to explain why WCPKC is no longer affiliated with USPK. When USPK approached us, it was with a shared vision: a cohesive national parkour competition circuit that represented the community-first values that are core to our ethos. USPK made promises to never impose rules on how regions or gyms run their competitions, emphasizing that the unique qualities of each event were what made them special. Their board stated that each Regions Competition Circuits were built by the communities represented within them so they should have no say over how these regions ran their competitions. The regional competition circuits were here before USPK ever existed.
Unfortunately, starting this next season, USPK has decided to enforce a uniform set of rules on all gyms and competitions in any region affiliated with them. This shift does not align with our values, as we believe that the individuality of each gym’s events is what makes them exciting and fun. We do not want each gym to become a cookie cutter mold of each other, we value the individuality of each gym and each athlete.
Additionally, USPK now requires anyone who wants to participate in any of their league’s competitions to pay a minimum $60 fee. This includes kids of all ages. We do not support these changes, and therefore we’ve decided to step away from USPK.
USPK’s actions do not reflect the values they initially presented, and for these reasons, we will not be partnering with them moving forward. However, if you wish to compete in a competition hosted by a league affiliated with them, you’re free to do so. We will also continue supporting independent competitions on the West Coast.
Looking Forward to a Great 2025 Season—With a Twist!
We’re excited to support a new series of community-driven events and will be here to help you all have a fun, playful, and fulfilling season, even if it looks a little different. Let’s get weird, creative, and return to the roots of what makes each of us and our communities unique!
If you have any questions or concerns about competitions, jams, or anything else, feel free to reach out.
Thank you for your continued support. We can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!